
Do Wifi Security Cameras Slow Down Network

If you ain a CCTV IP surveillance system and you experience that your network is boring, this article may help you lot to clarify and solve sure network issues. Exercise IP security cameras touch cyberspace speed? Do IP cameras make the internet boring? How much data is consumed past an IP camera?

If your local network is slowed down, your internet experience may be seriously afflicted. Imagine all the devices on the network struggling to connect or perform properly, your smartphone would exist slow, your streaming Tv, etc. In this article, we will explain the relationship between IP cameras and the local network.

Do IP cameras slow down the internet?

IP camera's bandwidth is one thing that y'all need to certainly consider and properly plan ahead before installing a security photographic camera system in your holding. Do CCTV security cameras tiresome down the Internet?

Actually, they DO, IP cameras, wireless or wired, can slow down the internet or the local network. However, the impact is minimal and doesn't touch on the overall performance of your network.

The security cameras will not ho-hum the internet even if you admission the organisation remotely via a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Generally speaking, their impact is then small that you should ignore it.

Moreover, surveillance technology is ever improving and nowadays there are algorithms that minimize the bandwidth affect on the network. At that place are cameras that come with compression algorithms such as H.265 or H.264+ that compress the recording files to a smaller size without affecting the picture quality.
Do IP security cameras slow down the internet

Security cameras' bandwidth: Factors to consider

A common question asked all over the cyberspace: Will my security IP cameras affect the net? Mostly, the IP camera'south upload and download bandwidth depend on several factors which we've summarized beneath:

  • Photographic camera's resolution: Obviously, the higher the resolution, the clearer the picture and more bandwidth usage which means it volition require more than storage. An 8MP security photographic camera needs more bandwidth compared to a 2MP or 4MP photographic camera.
  • Compression codecs: This is software-based and consists of an algorithm that compresses the data without losing any picture quality. The more advanced the pinch codecs, the less bandwidth usage from the camera. The almost popular compression codec in CCTV systems is H.264+ and H.265.
  • Frame rate per 2nd: Each CCTV paradigm is built up from sequent frames, the higher the frame rate, the smoother the picture simply more bandwidth consumption. Usually, 15-xx frames per 2nd are recommended, anything lower may cause the videos to be choppy or even skip seconds.
  • The number of IP cameras: The more than security cameras installed on your property, the more bandwidth they'll swallow.
  • The installation: This is very important, a CCTV security system needs to exist designed and installed professionally, significant the IP cameras should be placed in a separate network that would non ho-hum downwardly the whole network.

How to reduce IP Camera'due south bandwidth consumption

Beneath we've summed upward a few tips on reducing the IP camera'southward bandwidth consumption. Washed properly, these tips can help you lot lower the network load on your security camera system.

one. Select the proper resolution

A higher resolution ways a clearer motion picture, merely the bandwidth required to deliver these high-quality images increases equally well. So, yous can avert slowing down your network by selecting a lower resolution.

You should exist careful not to compromise your security image quality to save bandwidth. For larger spaces such as parking lots or front cameras, yous may need to utilise the highest resolution since y'all need to capture details at a lengthy altitude.

For other cameras that monitor narrow or small areas such every bit a back door or hallway cameras, you can try to lower the resolution of the camera, let's stay from 4MP to 2MP. This way, you'll save bandwidth and not compromise the image quality. If the area is small, there's not much difference if you lower the resolution to 1080p.

2. Pinch format algorithm

As we mentioned earlier, there are various compression formats used in CCTV systems that can save a lot of bandwidth usage if enabled. The compression techniques reduce the size of the transmitted data without losing any visible picture quality

For example, if you want to increase your storage capacity, you can employ the latest H.265 or H.265+ compression algorithm which will relieve 50-75% storage space without comprising the image quality. Non all the cameras support the latest pinch format, make sure to purchase one that comes with information technology.

3. Lower the frame rates

Virtually all security camera systems support frame rates starting from just 1/south to xxx/s. While the higher the frame charge per unit the smoother and better the pic, there's non much difference to the naked eye.

So, if your system is set to 30 frames per second, you lot're wasting as well much bandwidth without gaining any meaning flick quality. Lowering the number of the frame per second will help you avoid any bandwidth strains on your network.

More often than not speaking, capturing xv frames per 2nd is more than than enough to properly monitor your home or business concern facility. Anything lower than 15 frames per second, may cause a choppy epitome (robotic movements) or even losing seconds. So, we recommend keeping the frame rate effectually xv FPS.

four. Utilize the Motility Detection feature

This is the most important feature in CCTV systems and you should use it. An IP camera doesn't need to use the bandwidth all the time if information technology's prepare on motility detection. This ways that the photographic camera will wake upward or activate only if movement is detected. Do IP security cameras slow down the internetA motion security camera starts to transmit data only if the move is triggered. This is a better option because you can save bandwidth and increment the storage capacity of your CCTV system.

Nowadays near security photographic camera systems support this feature natively and you should definitely utilize it. To make certain you won't miss any action, gear up the pre-record mode up to 10 seconds, which means the camera will record the footage 10 seconds before the motion is triggered. With the same logic, fix the after-record to v seconds (or more).

5. Identify the cameras on a separate network

Placing your security cameras in a separate and isolated network helps you achieve 2 things. First, past doing so you make the system more than secure since all these cameras are isolated separably and someone has to go through the recorder to access them.

2d, this method separates the traffic in your local network, the cameras send data within their own network and don't affect the overall performance of your main network. Hence, there'south no lag, traffic congestion, or deadening net.

For example, you can utilise a two-router system and identify the cameras on the second router, thus keeping the traffic separated. If using a PC based arrangement, you can connect the computer to the second router and avoid completely any possible network slow down.

Some other way is to purchase an unmanaged gigabit switch which will isolate the traffic. You may need to contact a professional CCTV installer or It person to prepare the network correctly.

5. Install a complete CCTV system

Don't use simply 1 camera, only getting a complete CCTV security system will not slow down your network. Technically, there will be no impact on your local net speed as long as y'all don't access the system remotely. Even if you do, it should exist minimal.

All the newer CCTV systems can act as a closed-circuit system which means the NVR or DVR will communicate with the cameras without utilizing the internet coming from the router. Hence, the internet speed or network will not be slowed down.

CCTV bandwidth usage calculation

There are iv variables that you tin use to calculate how much bandwidth the security cameras utilize. These variables are: the camera's resolution, the frame rate, the compression and the number of cameras hooked up to your recorder. The formula is shown below:

Bandwidth (Mbits) = Frame size (kb) * 1024 (the photographic camera'southward resolution) * 12 (FPS) * the number of cameras / 1000000

Mostly speaking, the bandwidth needed for security cameras is around 2Mbps and up to 6Mbps for higher resolution videos. You can also cheque online tools to summate the CCTV bandwidth for your project. It'due south always recommended to detect an installer to install your security camera system, particularly if you plan to have more than 32 security cameras.


Generally speaking, the modernistic CCTV system will not slow down your network or internet speed. Nonetheless, there are certain set-ups that can slow down your network, namely if yous have numerous cameras on the network (more than than twenty-25) and if you've ready the settings to the max.

As we explained in this article, yous tin adjust the settings such every bit resolution, frame charge per unit, compression blazon to properly calibrate the security camera systems for your needs without compromising the epitome quality and keeping the local network counterbalanced.


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